Monday, February 20, 2006

Four or five eagle day. I'll explain.

These top two photos are of the same eagle. The photos were taken from the Bayfield Coast Guard Station landing. This would be eagle 1. Madeline Island in the background.

This mid air confrontation was photographed over the channel between Bayfield and Madeline Island. This photograph was taken about 2.5 hours after the top photos. This is either eagle 1 and eagle 2 (I suspect it is eagle 1 again) or eagle 2 and 3. Before the second eagle (2nd year) approached the first eagle (adult) was sitting on the ice with two crows. Bayfield (south) in the background.

These two eagles were photographed at the intersection of US Hwy 2 and WI Hwy 13. This would be eagle 3 (4) and eagle 4 (5). I couldn't resist posting the distant shot with the sun. Look close you can see the two eagles sitting in the tree directly below the sun.


coldH2O said...

Too damn many numbers for me. I've always hated math. Thanks for inviting me along on your roadtrip. It won't be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for my m+m's they were really good!! also thanks for my newspaer... i'm gonna hang the picture on my wall in my room.

Kara L.

Shutterwi said...

You bet!

Love Unk