Monday, August 22, 2011

Chirping here. Chirping there. Chirping, chirping everywhere.

For several years now we have had a male and female Northern Cardinal pair (maybe two pairs) in our neighborhood. We have watched them and listened to them nearly everyday as they spent their days in and around our yard. We have listened to them communicate back and forth from perch to perch.

Today we heard something distinctly different. Chirps. Short sharp chirp, chirp, chirp. Something was different. Following the sound lead me to a lilac bush and eventually the source. The first fledgling Northern Cardinal we have ever seen.

The fledgling was calling out to mom and dad and they were close and answering. After jumping from perch to perch within the lilac the fledgling finally made it to an upper open branch. Several more chirps back and forth one small leap, flapping new wings and a semi controlled flutter to a lower bush and out of sight.

For the rest of the day into the evening we heard chirping between at least three different locations. We look forward to seeing a new adult taking up residences in the neighborhood.

Mom perched over the lilac bush.

Dad... with lunch?..... mac and cheese?

Right... mac and cheese?

Fledgling Northern Cardinal.

Mom watching closely from nearby birch.

Dad still carrying lunch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheese and mac.