It's me Butler!bt
Common Sulphur (Colias philodice).
Milwaukee species.
btMilwaukee trip.
Photographed 10/27/05. Chequamegon Bay. Mute swan (Cygnus olor) identified by "orange bill and black knob above the bill".
Probably the same hawk posted 10/25/05.
Probably the same hawk posted on 10/25/05.
Photographed in the "skies" over Mason WI.
8th grade science class launching rockets.
Thanks to Dick Verch for identifying the hawk as " a Rough-legged Hawk (probably a juvenile). It is a bird that breeds in the sub-arctic and many migrate to the northern states for the winter. May stay in the area all winter."Photographed 10/25/05.
Photographed 10/25/05
From the archives.
From the archives.
From the archives.
Todays quick visitor to the yard.
Todays quick visitor to the yard.
View looking southeast.
View looking northwest.
Vaccinium (Blueberry).
46° 34.125N
091° 03.545W
Sciurus carolinensis.
Studies have shown that black animals have 18% lower heat loss in temperatues below -10 degrees celcius. That would describe northern Wisconsin!
Pie anyone?
You decide.
Sciurus carolinensis.
Foraging in the black walnut tree.
Main and
600 block of Chapple.
7th Street West.
46° 34.098N
090° 54.634W
From the archives.
County fair exhibition hall.
Game farm escapee. Ring-necked pheasant.
Miles from shore. Telephoto magic.