Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Merlin not a Gyrfalcon. Thanks Ryan B. for ID

This shot and the shot below were "photoshopped" to enhance the features. The third shot in the series is for perspective. I wasn't sure how close I would be able to get before spooking the bird. All the shots were taken with a 75-300 lens as I was approaching the perch.

Interesting day on the bay today. I met a birder (Dave) from the Manitowish WI area. Dave had driven over to Ashland to see the Gyrfalcon that has been spotted along the shoreline. The Gryfalcon has been spotted on or near the oredock by several of Ashland's more experienced bird watchers Tim O. and Ryan B. (see their postings on Birdingonthe.Net website. After some birding talk Dave and I went our separate ways. As luck would have it I managed to find what I believe is the Gyrfalcon on the west side of the oredock. I have posted the photos hoping one of the pros will confirm the sighting. Thanks for the tip Dave enjoyed the visit. Email on the way.

Update:Via Ryan B.
The bird in your photos is NOT the Gyrfalcon, but rather its smaller
cousin...a Merlin.  Merlins are small falcons that are doing really well in our area by breeding in conifers downtown and then feeding on Starlings, pigeons, house sparrows and other birds.  Most of them head south for the winter but usually one or two overwinters in town.  I saw one on the oredock the other day, so perhaps yours is the same bird. Merlins are much, much smaller than the Gyr would be.  The Gyr is also very unlikely to perch so low in the middle of a tree like this Merlin.  Gyrs rarely sit in trees and if one did, it would likely be at the top or on a big exposed branch.  They'd much rather sit on structures like the oredock, power plant, power poles, or the ice.  Here's the best shot I have of the Gyr so far (with four three others that follow):


Anonymous said...

Hi Wayne, I hope you don't receive two messages from me. I just typed one up but failed somehow to launch it properly. So here goes again.

Great photos, by the way. I'm thinking female Merlin, Boreal subspecies. I base that on how dainty the beak is in profile, the breast hatchings, and the fact that the female Merlin is nearly as big as a male Peregrine. Also, the proportion of wing length to body length is right for the Merlin, but too small (I think) for the Peregrine. I'm leaving the Gyr out because I don't think what I saw approached the size of the Gyr.

I'd be very interested to hear what the experts say. Very glad you were able to snap such clear shots, so that we have something workable to show them. I enjoyed our chat.

Dave Holmes

Shutterwi said...


I to enjoyed our chat. I will email the photos after I review them all and pick out the best one. I going to leave the post as is until I hear from the pros. I will email my cellphone number with the photos. If your back in the area call.
