Rural phone "booth".
For all you city dwelling cellphone carrying viewers this is a rural phone booth. If you need to make a 911 call you can use the navigational aid on the top of the pole to give directions to your current location. Please click on the above photo for an enlarged view. See the insert in the photo for details of the provided safety / communication equipment.
Are you one of those city dwelling cellphone carrying I get service anywhere kind of people?
If so your eye might not be finely tune enough to notice a rural phone booth when you see one.
This is the south Ino Hwy E emergency communication center.
I've never seen anything like this. Ashamed to say I'm a cellphone carrier... but have three little school-aged kids so I have to in case there's an emergency.
Did you do the listening session? I didn't have Java installed in time, but read the transcript. He seems better and better the more I read/learn about him.
Don't apologize I have two cellphones. Network administrator 200 little pieces of computer hardware to keep happy and purring.
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