Thursday, March 02, 2006

Three ways to Madeline Island.

It's that time of year.... to much ice for the ferry to break not enough ice to drive a vehicle. UNSAFE ICE.

Old Xmas trees are used to line the two miles of the current "road" to Madeline Island.

With unsafe ice conditions there are three ways to and from Madeline Island. Walk / Ski.


And....the windsled. Noisy but fast.

Workers leaving the island and school kids returning home from the main land school.


Kathleen Callon said...

Thanks for the road pic, and thanks for telling me you met and liked Feingold. If we can get him to run, I feel like our country still has something and someone to hope for. Peace, and have a great weekend.


pissed off patricia said...

Well, I'm learning a lot by visiting this site. I had no idea that kids rode on something like this to get to school. I love the photo of the undisturbed snow, so beautiful.

I rode over here with Kathleen, we're on the same bandwagon regarding Feingold. Hop on and we'll get him to the white house by 08