Thursday, June 15, 2006

Road Trip St. Cloud MN.

Waldo's Coffee today is opening day guessed it free WIFI.


Anonymous said...

whoda thunk?

Spadoman said...

Ok, you're cool! You get to town and find the coffee shop right off.

Now, as Spadoman, (and Mrs. Spadoman) are prone to do, you need to let us know if the place is worthy of a visit, coffeewise, when in the area.

In other words, How Was The Coffee? We don't care about WiFi!! We want to know about the coffee!! (and the Baristas, they don't look like Inga!)

Stay safe out there!

coldH2O said...

Joe, the New Guy, will stay that way until he sees the light regarding free WiFi. Inga? Inga? Where have I heard that name before....?